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Brother King

The man behind the turtles:Orton "Brother" King was born and raised on Bequia and has spent most of his first 50 years as a fisherman, a common trade for a Bequian. The Bequian's were well known in the Caribbean for their seafaring skills as fisherman and whalers. In 1995 Brother King established the OldHegg Turtle Sanctuary in Park Beach, on the Atlantic Ocean side of Bequia Island. Since that time he has released 616 two to two-and-a-half year old Hawksbill Turtles back into the wild.

Contact Brother King with any questions you may have.
Brother King is a fisherman who has turned conservationist. In his younger hears he hunted Hawksbill Turtles for food and to sell and trade their precious shells. He realized that times were changing and that Turtles were rapidly declining. One dark night he camped on a beach, when a large female turtle climbed right into his tent to lay her eggs next to his sleeping bag. The intimate encounter spurred Brother King's curiosity on what a local man can do to help save a dying species.
Brother King built the Turtle Sanctuary from his own saved money. He cares for his turtles as if they were his own children. Releasing them into the wild after nursing them to become strong juveniles for 2.5 years is always a difficult parting. With some turtles Brother King develops particularly close friendships, as with this large Hawksbill on the right.

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