Home >> WildlifeSAIL Mission Statement
WildlifeSAIL is a circumnavigation via catamaran to inspire a new generation to understand and care for the oceans.
International scientists agree that the world's oceans are not the limitless basin for natural resources, as we once presumed. Fish stocks are declining rapidly, many species are plagued with extinction crisis and habitats are changing.
Why is the ocean sick and is there a cure to heal it? Now, more than ever before, we have a need for marine conservation science in order to explore ways in which to protect and manage ocean habitats and wildlife.
WildlifeSAIL is a global sail via catamaran to promote marine conservation. The expedition will journey from the coral reefs of Belize to the rich offshore waters of Patagonia and the spectacular diversity of Asia´s coral triangle and beyond, highlighting the global challenge to protect marine wildlife.
The sailors will join forces with scientists at premier marine conservation sites around the world where the catamaran will serve as a research platform and outreach portal. Ocean exploration is made real to children around the world through www.wildlifesail.org and outreach programs in the field.
"In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, we will understand only what we are taught." - Baba Dioum

JF Thye, Director of WildlifeSAIL